NEWS – Printed Matter
Publications, Exhibition Catalogues and More


The Kunsthalle Praha Collection: 50 Highlights

Are you glad if you can ask something? - Networking between East and North

Warm Checking Temperature in Three Acts.

L'image et son double. The unfolded image

Beau Geste Press

Géza Perneczky. The Art of Reflection. 1970–75

Networking the Bloc Experimental Art in Eastern Europe 1965–1981

Book Marks: Revisiting Hungarian Art of the 1960s and 1970s

Promote, Tolerate, Ban: Cold War Hungary

BOOKMARKS. Neo-Avantgarde und postkonzeptuelle Positionen in der ungarischen Kunst von den 1960ern bis heute.

IMAGINATION/IDEA. The Beginning of Hungarian Conceptual Art. The László Beke Collection 1971
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